WordPress trunk news #8

Another great week of WordPress 3.4 development and polishing, with everyone hoping to see beta this week, it has been postponed to later this weekend or sometime next week. 163 tickets (at the time of writing) are assigned to the WordPress 3.4 milestone.

WordPress trunk news #8

Post Type in XML-RPC

changeset 20271

New XML-RPC methods have been added: getPostType and getPostTypes. The latter returns a list of available post types. The former, returns the post type properties, including labels, description, capability_type, cap, map_meta_cap, hierarchical, menu_position, taxonomies, supports. The overall support for custom post types that is rolling out with WordPress 3.4 should inspire a ton of external applications (mobile and desktop), connected to plugins, custom setups, etc. Quite exciting.

Responsive columns

changeset 20272

WordPress 3.4 Dashboard responsive width

The Dashboard and Write screens have become responsive to width. This provides for much better small screen support, especially for portable/mobile devices. Landscape/portrait modes will both look great, no more squeezed buttons and tiny fields due to several columns sharing a tiny width.


changeset 20287

Finally, wpdb gets its very own delete() method, to complete the insert, update and get_* database methods family.

The method prototype looks this: function delete( $table, $where, $where_format = null ) and is very easy to use. Hurray! No more manual query calls to delete a row.

Theme Customizer: choose image

changeset 20290

WordPress Theme Customizer Choose Image

Very convenient and streamlined functionality has been implemented to upload and pick header images on the fly. Blazing fast and fun.


changeset 20307

clean_pre is being deprecated. wpautop will ignore everything inside <pre> tags, speeding up wpautop.

Looking forward to WordPress 3.4 beta next week. If you missed dev chat on Wednesday, be sure to skim through for some in-depth discussion and updates. Stay tuned to all changes in Trac and read wpdevel WordPress development blog.